My recent visit to Morocco has left me with the most wonderful memories of sights, sounds, tastes and above all COLOURS and IDEAS for quilts! Although they may not all actually come to fruition/fabric!

My daughter Liz first visited Morocco almost 20 years ago, for a conference. Her photos lit a spark in me that has never gone out. One thing I discovered in later years was that I loved deserts –  and their wide open spaces, big skies and colours.

As I was turning 70 this year, it seemed a good enough reason to finally tick this one off the bucket list. When Liz found out I was booking to go on Elaine Barnard’s 2019 tour, she decided to join us! She has always wanted to go back there as it was such a very special experience and it left a lasting impression on her.

So  – off we set and Morocco did not disappoint!

I unashamedly confess most of my photos were taken of quilt ideas. Either colours or  shapes seemed to jump out at me. The single thing that has always interested me with quilts has been COLOUR. When I first started quilting I did every course that had anything to do with colour. I also bought every book on colour and quilts that I could – as long as it wasn’t too technical!

So here are some quilt ideas to inspire you!