The Guild was formed in 1989 as Regional Guild for KwaZulu-Natal. It’s aim is to promote, develop and teach quilting skills. A quarterly newsletter is sent to approximately 250 members and consists of Regional, National and International quilting news, articles and information.  All events for each year can be viewed on the website.  As one of the hosting Guilds for National Festivals, the Guild held very successful Festivals in 1990, 1996, 2004 & 2015, with the next festival planned for July 2024.

Guild Meetings are held around March, May, August and November at the Hillcrest Senior Primary School, 17 Emoyeni Drive, Hillcrest.  Demonstrations, guest speakers, vendors selling their wares, raffles and fundraising tables are the usual format for the meetings as well as the large display of quilts.

If you require any further info on KwaZulu-Natal Quilters Guild or its activities,

then please contact the chairlady on

Mystery sew-along – Fourth Installment

The fourth part of the KZNQG Mystery sew-along can be downloaded here. You are welcome to share this pattern with friends near and far. We hope you are enjoying this process and request that you share your work on Instagram and on Facebook. Next installment will be...

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Mystery Sew-Along – Third Installment

Wow - finally - the third installment of our KZNQG Mystery Sew Along, designed by Sue Cameron.  Please click HERE to download it.   You are welcome to share this pattern with friends as we'd like to encourage all quilters to take part in this opportunity. Completed...

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